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Light Warriors Yoga Teaching Academy

200 Hour YTT Course Syllabus

Module 1: Perfect Alignment

Timeline: 2 Months

“Perfect alignment” in the truest sense, is when your life, moment to moment, is perfectly aligned with your life’s purpose. While you will be given a context of yogic truths, in module one you will cultivate a supremely powerful foundation which is rooted in your own truth. With this deeper connection to self, your every word and action commands a new level of respect as they are saturated with the potency of your clear intentions. You will study the mechanics of what it takes to lead an impactful yoga class (see outline below) and these learnings will serve as a channel for you to express your leadership style. The world needs yogic personalities to step into their power. It’s time for you to shine brighter. 

Sequencing & Alignment 

Weeks 1-2
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 1: Light Warriors United Sequence 
  • Zoom: Practice
  • Video: Zoom Recording 
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 2: Warm Up
  • Video
  • Document
  • Quiz
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 3: Standing Flow
  • Video
  • Document
  • Quiz
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 4: Core
  • Video
  • Document
  • Quiz
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 5: Peak Pose
  • Video
  • Document
  • Quiz
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 6: Backbends
  • Video
  • Document
  • Quiz
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 7: Cool Down
  • Video
  • Document
  • Quiz
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 8: Closing and Opening Message
  • Video
  • Document
  • Quiz
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 9: Other Ways to Construct Class 
  • Video
  • Document
  • Quiz
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 10: Creating Connections
  • FB Group: Make connections with other trainees
  • App: Explore classes and Yoga Video Encyclopedia
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 11: Level 1-2 LWU Sequence 
  • Zoom: Practice Level 1-2 Standing Flow LWU Sequence
  • Video
  • Document
  • Quiz
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 12: Teaching Postures
  • App: Study poses from LWU Sequence in Yoga Video Encyclopedia 
  • FB Group: Practicum: Teach poses from LWU Sequence to partner 
  • Sequencing & Alignment 13: Teaching a Sequence
  • App: Practice: Explore yoga classes 
  • FB Group: Practicum: Teach 1 or 2 segments of LWU Sequence to partner
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 14: Multi Level Inversions
  • Zoom: Multi Level Inversion Class
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 15: Journey to Handstand Series
  • App: Practice Journey to Handstand Series
  • Document
  • Quiz 
  • Digitally or Live: Teach a mini (5-15min) inversion tutorial
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 16: Multi Level Class
  • Zoom : Practice 
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 17: Explore and Learn Your Taste
  • App: Practice one class from each category: Fundamentals, Standing Postures, Core, Arm Balances, Inversions, Shoulder and Chest Opening, Arm and Shoulder Strengthening, Backbends, Hip Openers
  • Journal: Reflect on each subject and pick 1-2 that you love most 
  • FB Group: Connect with other trainees who love the same subject
  • FB Group: Practicum: Teach your peers
  • App: Study poses from your favorite subject(s) in Yoga Video Encyclopedia

History of Yoga

  1. History of Yoga 1: What is “Yoga?” 
  • Video: The History and LWU lineage, style and methodology
  • Document: Welcome to the Light Warriors Lineage
  1. History of Yoga 2: Historical Yoga Dates & Key Ideas 
  • Video
  • Document
  1. History of Yoga 3: The Inner Guru - Becoming a spiritual teacher 
  • Video
  1. History of Yoga 4: The Science of Yoga through the Yoga Sutras
  • Document Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras 
  • Video The Core of the Sutras - the 8 Limbs of Yoga
  • Document 8 Limbs of Yoga - The Inner Guru
  1. History of Yoga 5: Yamas - Practices associated with the world around us
  • Video
  • Document
  • Journal: Ways you can incorporate the Yamas into your life
  1. History of Yoga 6: Niyamas - Practices associated with ourselves
  • Video
  • Document
  • Journal: Ways you can incorporate the Niyamas into your life.
  1. History of Yoga 7: The Bhagavad Gita
  • Video: The war Within 
  • Document
  • Zoom: Self Reflection - How yoga philosophy relates to practice

Biomechanics & Anatomy 

  • Biomechanics & Anatomy 1: Feedback
  • Document: Feedback Skills
  • Document: RAIN method
  • Zoom: Learn FAST
  • FB: Share your record & review expereince
  • Biomechanics & Anatomy 2: Muscular System
  • Video: "Why warm up?"
  • Document: Mechanics of Flexing
  • Document: Skeletal Muscles
  • Quiz
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 3: Skeletal System
  • Video: Skeletal System
  • Document: Mechanics of Stretching
  • Document: Bones & Joints
  • Quiz
  • Biomechanics & Anatomy 4: The Leg
  • Video: What is a leg?
  • Document: Foot, ankle and knee
  • FB Group: How do you use "point the toes" or "flex the ankle"?
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 5: Biomechanics
  • Document: Movement & Cues
  • Document: Biomechanics Basics
  • Zoom: Q&A with Review
  • Quiz

Ethics & Professional Development 

  • Ethics & Professional Development 1: Your Dharma is Your Brand
  • Document
  • App: Intro to Journaling and Classes 1-7
  1. Ethics & Professional Development 2: Authenticity Based Branding
  • Document
  • Journal: Practice Classes 1-7
  • FB Group:
  • Share and support the trainees you’re vibing with
  • Find someone you haven’t met and share with them

Module 2: Layering & Integration

Timeline: 2 Months

Now we practice trusting in and leading from a space of boundless freedom and authenticity. This is a liberated and beautiful experience but often takes some getting used to because our bodies have become accustomed to holding onto tightness. As those areas of habitual self-consciousness or constraint surface you will be given tools to shed them so you may better embody your augmented and easeful presence. While you practice gliding through what your former self may have considered obstacles, you will be well supported by the class content (see content outline below), each other and your guides Marysia, Jacque, Kiki, April and Amanda.

Sequencing & Alignment 

WEEKS 9-10
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 1: Original Beginner Yoga Class
  • Zoom
  • App: Practice any beginner yoga class
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 2: Sequencing Logic of Beginner Class
  • Video
  • Document
  • Quiz
  • Live or Digitally: Practice teach beginner warm up
WEEKS 11-12
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 3: Level 2 LWU Sequence
  • Zoom: Practice Level 2 LWU Sequence 
  • Document : Level 2 Standing Flow
  • Quiz
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 4: Make It Yours  
  • FB Group: 
  • Collaborate with 2-4 other trainees and create what feels like a better warm up for Advanced LWU Sequence 
  • FB Group: Post your group’s warm up
  • Live: Practicum: Teach your warm up
WEEKS 13-14
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 5: Evolve the Sequence  
  • Zoom: Practice 
  • FB Group:
  • Create a standing flow to progress after LWU warm up
  • Post your group’s standing flow
  • Practicum: Teach your warm up and standing flow
WEEKS 15-16
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 6: Sequencing Strategies: Peak Pose
  • Video
  • Document
  • Assignment: Pick a Peak pose
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 7:Sequencing Strategies: Body Parts and Poses
  • Video
  • Document
  • Assignment: List which poses and body parts relate to the Peak Pose
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 8: Sequencing Strategies: Building a Sequence
  • Video
  • Document
  • Assignment: Create sequence leading up to the Peak Pose
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 9: Sequencing Strategies: Complimentary Stretches 
  • Video
  • Document
  • Assignment: Refine your sequence leading up to the Peak Pose
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 10: Sequencing Strategies: Cool Down
  • Video
  • Document
  • Assignment: Create a fitting cool down sequence
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 11: Completion of the Class
  • Assignment: Refine your class until you LOVE the flow
  • FB Group: Offer support and ask questions 
  • Digitally or Live: Practicum: Teach someone or yourself your class out loud

Breathwork + Meditation 

WEEKS 9-16
  1. Breathwork + Meditation 1: History & Today’s current practices
  • Video
  • Document: Pranayama and Meditation
  • Assignment: Journaling 
  1. Breathwork + Meditation 2: Anatomy of Meditation - Relationship of Anatomy, pranayama & Meditation and how it relates to LWU
  • Video
  • Document
  1. Breathwork + Meditation 3: The Koshas - Moving inward to the vital body
  • Video
  • Document
  1. Breathwork + Meditation 4: Modifications + Considerations
  • Video
  • Document
  1. Breathwork + Meditation 5: The Breathe and Spirit
  • Video
  • Document
  1. Breathwork + Meditation 6: Ujjayi Breathing
  • Video
  1. Breathwork + Meditation 7: Nadi Shodhana Breathing
  • Video
  1. Breathwork + Meditation 8: Kapalabhati Breathing
  • Video
  1. Breathwork + Meditation 9: Viloma Pranayama ‘Against the Wave’
  • Video
  1. Breathwork + Meditation 10: Bhastrika ‘Bellow’s Breath’
  • Video
  1. Breathwork + Meditation 11: Assignment
  • Video: FB Group - Partner up and guide a 5 min meditation (record and submit)
  • Breathwork + Meditation 12: Experiential - Meditation Practice
  • Zoom Experiential - Meditation Practice

Biomechanics & Anatomy

WEEKS 9-10
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 1: Hips
  • Video: How To Move The Hips
  • Document: The Pelvis
  • Document: Common Injury in Lower Half
  • Quiz
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 2: The Spine
  • Document: The Spine
  • Document: Folding forward
  • FB Group: When do you use "tuck the tailbone" or "bend the knees"?
  • App practice: Liquid Vinyasa
WEEKS 11-12
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 3: Breathing
  • Zoom: Anatomy of Breath (co-taught with Jacque)
  • Document: The Respiratory System
  • Document: Science of Breath
  • Quiz
WEEKS 13-14
  • Biomechanics & Anatomy 4: Nervous System
  • Document: Focus
  • Document: Flight, Fight or Freeze
  • Zoom Practice: Drishti
  • Quiz
WEEKS 15-16
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 5: Tadasana
  • Document: Shoulders & Arms
  • Video: Common Injuries
  • App Practice: Wrist Health
  • FB Group: Teach Tadasana and receive feedback

Ethics & Professional Development 

WEEKS 9-12
  • Ethics & Professional Development 1: The Basics
  • Document
  • Quiz  
WEEKS 13-16
  1. Ethics & Professional Development 2: Content Creation
  • Document
  • Assignment: Write text for a post
  • Document
  • Assignment: Add an image to the text for a complete post
  • Document
  • Assignment: Create a video post with complimentary text
  • Document
  • FB Group:
  • Share a post with someone you’ve connected with and get feedback
  • Share a post with someone have not engaged with yet and get feedback
  • Document
  1. Ethics & Professional Development 3: Sponsorships
  • Document
  • Assignment: List of products and/or practices you recommend
  • Document
  • FB Group: Discuss your experience with peers
  1. Ethics & Professional Development 4: Navigating Social Media
  • Document
  • Journaling Assignment
  • Document
  • Journaling Assignment
  • FB Group: Share thoughts with peers

Module 3: In Your Power

Timeline: 2 Months

As you step into your power, your playful, respectful, and unique reality brightens the surrounding world. You are a light warrior! The purity of your vibrant spirit is here to elevate the consciousness of humanity. With the steadfast wisdom of a warrior you are committed to being the balance and harmony in every encounter! As your judgments and barriers release, you become aligned with your truest nature and so naturally, the world rises up in support of your intuitive dreams. You are free to do as you wish because you embody your inherent yogic/unifying nature. You are your greatest gift to the world! The Light Warriors United thanks yogis of all religions, ethnicities, sexualities and backgrounds for making the world a more rich and dynamic place. We welcome you!

Sequencing & Alignment 

WEEKS 17-18
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 1: Sequencing Strategies: Peak Movement  
  • Video
  • Document
  • Assignment: Pick a Movement
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 2: Sequencing Strategies: Body Parts and Movement
  • Video
  • Document
  • Assignment: List which poses and body parts relate to the Peak Movement
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 3: Sequencing Strategies: Building a Sequence
  • Video
  • Document
  • Assignment: Create sequence that teaches the Peak Movement
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 4: Sequencing Strategies: Complimentary Stretches 
  • Video
  • Document
  • Assignment: Refine your sequence leading up to the Peak Pose
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 5: Sequencing Strategies: Cool Down
  • Video
  • Document
  • Assignment: Create a fitting cool down sequence
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 6: Completion of the Class
  • Assignment: Refine your class until you LOVE the flow
  • FB Group: Offer support and ask questions 
  • Digitally or Live: Practicum: Teach someone or yourself your class out loud
WEEKS 19-20
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 7: Level 2 Backbends LWU Sequence
  • Zoom: Practice Advanced LWU Sequence
  • Video
  • Document
  • FB Groups:
  • Create a backbend sequence for the LWU Sequence  
  • Post your group’s backbend sequence
  • Digitally or Live: Practicum: Teach backbend sequence
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 8: Alternate Cool Down LWU Sequence
  • Video
  • Document
  • FB Groups:
  • Create a cool down sequence to match your backbend sequence  
  • Post your group’s backbend sequence
  • Digitally or Live: Practicum: Teach backbend sequence
WEEKS 21-22
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 9: Build Your Own Class
  • Video: Review General Class flow
  • Assignment: Create a class you look forward to teaching
  • Live or Digitally: Teach your class
  • Assignment: Give yourself an evaluation and receive feedback
  • FB Group: Offer support and ask questions 
WEEKS 23-24
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 10: Celebration 
  • Zoom: Celebratory Final Practice 
  1. Sequencing & Alignment 11: Be The Light
  • Assignment: Refine your class or create another amazing class
  • Live or Digitally: Teach your class
  • Assignment: Give yourself an evaluation and receive feedback
  • FB Group: Offer support and ask questions 
  • FB Group: Celebrate!

Subtle Body  

WEEKS 19-20
  1. Subtle Body 1: The Nadis - The electron Current in the Physical body
  • Video
  • Document: The Nadis
  1.  Subtle Body 2: The Chakra System
  • Video
  • Document: Chakras - Aspects of energies to enhance spiritual practices
  1. Subtle Body 3: Muladhara Chakra - Root
  • Video
  1. Subtle Body 4: Swadisthana Chakra - Sacral
  • Video
  1. Subtle Body 5: Manipura Chakra - Naval
  • Video
  1. Subtle Body 6: Anahata Chakra - Heart
  • Video
  1. Subtle Body 7: Vishnuddha Chakra - Throat
  • Video
  1. Subtle Body 8 : Ajna Chakra - Third Eye
  • Video
  1. Subtle Body 9: Sahasrara Chakra - Crown
  • Video
  1. Subtle Body 10: Classroom & Teaching Guidance Leading a meditation
  • Video
  1. Subtle Body 11: Mantras, Mudras & Chanting
  • Video
  • Document
  1. Subtle Body 12: Savasana
  • Video
  • Document
  1.   Subtle Body 13: Guided meditation
  • Zoom: Practicing LWU meditation practices
  • assignment

Biomechanics & Anatomy

WEEKS 17-18
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 1: Head, Neck and Shoulders
  • Document: Stress & Tension
  • Zoom: How to be Flexible
  • FB Group: How do you experience stress?
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 2: Digestion
  • Video: Rest & Digest
  • Document: Digestion
  • Document: Organs of Elimination
WEEKS 19-20
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 3: Stability
  • Document: The Core Muscles
  • Zoom Practice: Stability
  • Quiz
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 4: Adjustments
  • Zoom: Awareness in Adjustments
  • Document: Yamas in Action
  • FB Group: What is your intention for adjusting?
WEEKS 21-24
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 5: Review of Systems
  • Zoom: Q&A with review
  1. Biomechanics & Anatomy 6: Modifications & Considerations
  • Document: Some Ideas
  • FB Groups: How do you modify your practice?

Ethics & Professional Development 

WEEKS 17-20
  1. Ethics & Professional Development 1: Building Community
  • Document
  • Journal
  • FB Group: Share ideas with friends
  • Document
  • Journal
  • FB Group: Share ideas with friends
WEEKS 21-24
  1. Ethics & Professional Development 2: Cultivating Healthy Business Relationships
  • Document: Cultivating Healthy Business Relationships
  • Quiz: Quiz

become a light warrior
yoga teacher

Certified 200 hour yoga teacher training online program & certification.
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website created by (C) 2020 Light Warriors UNited LLC.

3 Modules

24 weeks

6 Subjects

245 Classes

Private Facebook Community

Zoom Classes

Magic Yoga App Membership

Printable/Savable Resources